10 Profitable Micro-Niche Blog Ideas in Home and Garden

10 Micro-Niche Blog Ideas in the Home and Garden Category

Imagine you love the world of Home and Garden. Every plant you grow, every decoration you create, every piece of furniture you choose makes your heart beat faster. You decide to start a blog to share this passion, but you fear the niche is too saturated. But words like "garden", "pergola", "begonias" and other terms are searched on average 5 to 20 thousand times per month on Google, each.

Today, we’ll talk about finding that special corner, that micro-niche that will make your blog stand out in the crowd. So, grab your coffee, sit back, and let's explore 10 incredible micro-niche blog ideas in Home and Garden.

cactus and another plants indoor

One detail: The estimated earnings mentioned only concern earnings from AdSense (advertising that runs on your website). If you carry out other forms of monetization, these gains may be greater. A lot.

1. Cactus and Succulent Gardens

Cactus and succulents indoor

Cacti and succulents are all the rage, and many people want to learn how to care for these low-maintenance plants. Your blog can offer tips on cultivation, arrangement ideas, specific care instructions, and even decorating with these plants.

Monetization Ideas:

Sell e-books on plant care, partner with plant stores and gardening products.

Traffic Estimate:

With 20,000 monthly visits, you could earn around $460 in North America and $360 in Asia-Pacific.

2. Decorating with Recycled Furniture

furniture with recycled material

Sustainability is a growing trend. A blog focused on decorating with recycled furniture can attract an audience interested in DIY and sustainability. Show restoration tutorials, tips on where to find pieces, and project inspirations.

Monetization Ideas:

Partnerships with recycled material stores, selling online courses on furniture restoration.

Traffic Estimate:

With 15,000 monthly visits, you could earn around $345 in North America and $270 in Asia-Pacific.

3. Vertical Gardens for Small Spaces

With the popularity of apartment living, many are looking for ways to grow their own herbs and vegetables in limited spaces. Your blog can offer step-by-step guides, design ideas, and tips on the best plants for vertical gardens.

Monetization Ideas:

Sell gardening kits, partner with gardening stores.

Traffic Estimate:

With 18,000 monthly visits, you could earn around $414 in North America and $324 in Asia-Pacific.

4. Interior Design for Small Spaces

Help your readers make the most of every inch of their homes. Offer tips on multifunctional furniture, storage tricks, and decorating techniques that make small spaces look larger.

Monetization Ideas:

Affiliate programs with furniture stores, interior design consulting.

Traffic Estimate:

With 22,000monthly visits, you could earn around $506 in North America and $396 in Asia-Pacific.

5. Decorative Lighting for Home Interiors

lighting idea

Lighting can transform a space. A blog dedicated to lighting techniques, choosing fixtures, DIY lighting projects, and ideas for different rooms can be a hit among décor enthusiasts.

Monetization Ideas:

Affiliate programs with lighting stores, selling decorative lighting guides.

Traffic Estimate:

With 16,000 monthly visits, you could earn around $368 in North America and $288 in Asia-Pacific.

6. Home Party Decoration

Planning home parties can be a challenge. Offer themed ideas, decoration tutorials, organization tips, and recipes for memorable parties. From kids' birthdays to elegant dinners, the possibilities are endless.

Monetization Ideas:

Selling personalized products, partnerships with party stores.

Traffic Estimate:

With 19,000 monthly visits, you could earn around $437 in North America and $342 in Asia-Pacific.

7. Indoor Plant Care

man taking care of plant in a flower pot indoors

Many people love plants but don’t know how to care for them properly. Your blog can offer detailed care guides, solutions to common problems, and suggestions for plants suited to different home environments.

Monetization Ideas:

Sell e-books on plant care, affiliate programs with plant stores.

Traffic Estimate:

With 21,000 monthly visits, you could earn around $483 in North America and $378 in Asia-Pacific.

8. Minimalist Home Organization

Minimalism is on the rise (and I really like it, a LOT). Help your readers simplify their lives with organization tips, decluttering strategies, and tricks to keep their homes always tidy. Offer practical guides and minimalist inspirations.

Monetization Ideas:

Selling organization consulting services, partnerships with home organization stores.

Traffic Estimate:

With 20,000 monthly visits, you could earn around $460 in North America and $360 in Asia-Pacific.

9. DIY Crafts and Home Decor

If you’re handy with crafts, a DIY crafts blog could be the perfect choice. Offer detailed tutorials, project ideas, and material tips. Teach your readers to create unique pieces for their homes.

Monetization Ideas:

Selling handmade products, affiliate programs with craft material stores.

Traffic Estimate:

With 17,000 monthly visits, you could earn around $391 in North America and $306 in Asia-Pacific.

10. Healthy Cooking with Homegrown Ingredients

healthy food idea

Combine a love for gardening with a passion for cooking. Offer recipes using fresh ingredients from a home garden, tips on growing food, and ideas for a healthier, more sustainable diet.

Monetization Ideas:

Sell recipe e-books, partnerships with culinary product stores.

Traffic Estimate:

With 18,000 monthly visits, you could earn around $414 in North America and $324 in Asia-Pacific.


Choosing a micro-niche can be the key to standing out in the vast world of Home and Garden blogs. Find that aspect you’re most passionate about and knowledgeable in, and share that knowledge with the world. With dedication and creativity, your blog can become a go-to resource.

When I researched the best niches to have a website, I wanted to try to map the path of the stones for those who are trying to start a website like I once was trying. So, trying to save my readers hours of research, I analyzed estimated AdSense earnings across dozens of website categories, and the Home & Garden niche was in the top 5. I wrote this post trying to help you find the inspiration you need. needed to make your website a reality, and not just another project stored in a drawer. So, I hope this post helped you! If you liked this post, there are others below. I see you next time!

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