3 Best Niches for AdSense in 2024

The Top 3 Niches for 2024 Monetization

If you are researching website monetization, you have surely seen that one of the ways to make money online is through monetizing your website or blog using Google AdSense, right? But did you know that depending on your audience and your continent, this value can vary? And that traffic from North America is not always the most profitable, depending on your niche? Want to know which are the most profitable categories or the best-paying niches for AdSense on websites and blogs?

Stick with me, and we will talk a bit about that. By gaining some understanding of this subject, you will be able to choose your audience more accurately. With the right posts and approach, you can make money practically while you sleep, as your site will be working for you. Grab your coffee, and let's start another post.

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The basics (very basic) of Google AdSense.

Google AdSense is probably the pioneer of website and blog remuneration. It's the first thing that comes to mind when talking about “making money online.” I particularly enjoy the nostalgia of the 2000s when discussing this topic. Think of it this way: you have a website or blog, and you attract people to read, watch, and follow your content. And while these people follow your site, advertisements appear on the corners of your site, offering products or services to these people.

Let's use a highway analogy. Alongside it, there are large advertising billboards. The more cars passing by, the more companies want to advertise in those spaces. And how much companies will pay to appear there will depend on the audience inside the cars. For example: if this highway has cars full of people who don’t want to buy luxury cars, it doesn’t make sense for BMW to advertise in those spaces. If the highway is typically used by business people connected to the financial system, it makes sense for investment banks, fintechs, and other companies in the sector to advertise on the billboards, as the chance of selling their product is much higher, and therefore these companies will pay more to be there.

So, here’s what we have:

1. Traffic quantity matters, but it’s not the most important thing: While having a lot of visitors can increase your earnings, the type of audience you attract is even more crucial.

2. Your audience type is crucial: That’s why choosing the right niche is important. And it varies from continent to continent. Developed countries generate more revenue than developing countries. But not always!

3. The authority of your site matters:The amount you will earn depends on your site’s authority in your niche, because the more your site is considered a reference, the higher the value companies will pay to advertise on your site.

You can read more about AdSense in other posts on the blog, like this one: 6 Ways To Make Money Blogging

The Best Niches According to AdSense in 2024

The Google AdSense site itself shows which categories have the best earnings estimates. I spent a few hours looking at each one and created an analysis table divided into four groups:

Group 1 – North America

Group 2 – South America

Group 3 – Europe, Middle East, and Africa

Group 4 – Asia and Pacific

There are 25 categories/niches. Below, I will show the top three AdSense earnings estimates in each group. If you want the complete spreadsheet, you can comment on the post, and I’ll make another publication about it. Remember: these are estimates! These values can vary up or down according to various factors, such as niche authority, content quality, among others.

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Group 1 – North America

    1. Finance - $0.032 per visit (for 50k visits = $1606)

    2. Home & Garden - $0.023 per visit (for 50k visits = $1167)

    3. Business & Industry - $0.018 per visit (for 50k visits = $916)

Group 2 – South America

    1. Finance - $0.020 per visit (for 50k visits = $1008)

    2. Jobs & Education - $0.009 per visit (for 50k visits = $450)

    3. Internet & Telecom - $0.008 per visit (for 50k visits = $400)

Group 3 – Europe, Middle East, and Africa

    1. Finance - $0.019 per visit (for 50k visits = $950)

    2. Home & Garden - $0.010 per visit (for 50k visits = $500)

    3. Internet & Telecom - $0.008 per visit (for 50k visits = $400)

Group 4 – Asia and Pacific Countries

    1. Finance - $0.025 per visit (for 50k visits = $1250)

    2. Home & Garden - $0.018 per visit (for 50k visits = $900)

    3. Real Estate - $0.016 per visit (for 50k visits = $800)

As we can see, the Finance niche seems to have the best estimated remuneration on AdSense, with the value not falling below $0.02 across all continents. It’s interesting to mention that the Home & Garden niche also seems to be a relevant option in at least 3 of the groups. In third place, I believe that the Internet & Telecom niche can be a good option.

An extra tip

The best audience for your niche will not always come from North America when it comes to AdSense. By analyzing the earnings estimates provided by Google, we can mention the Gaming niche (Group 4 with $0.0058 per visit versus $0.0043 in North America, an increase of about 34%) and Sports (Group 4 with $0.0071 versus $0.0042 in North America, a difference of almost 70% more in the Asia and Pacific Countries group).

To learn a bit more about this and other topics, read one of the posts below or browse the site.


The information provided in this post was gathered from personal analysis as well as publicly available data and estimates on the official Google AdSense website (June, 2024). Any earnings values mentioned are estimates and may vary depending on various factors. For additional information about Google AdSense and its monetization policies, please visit Google AdSense.
