How to Start a Blog for Free: The Kick-Off

How to Start a Blog for Free: The Kick-Off

Every night, I found myself thinking about how to make money online, working with something I love that isn't too exhausting. Just like everyone else before bed, I started searching for ways to make money online. One of the things I found was, "start a blog!" or "make money with AdSense!" among many other suggestions. But it always seemed too abstract to me or at least very distant from being achievable. After a month of hard work, but less tiring than my offline job, I finally managed to monetize my site. With less than 25 articles, a few pages, and relatively interesting content, I can now say I make money online. And I want to help you start your blog. Grab your coffee, and let's begin today's conversation.

how to start a blog for free, person using a notebook with some coffee cup along

1. Choose Your Niche

The first step in how to start a blog is deciding what you'll write about. This is called choosing a niche. Think about something you enjoy, are knowledgeable about, and that has an interested audience. For example, do you like cooking? How about a recipe blog? Are you passionate about surfing? What about a surf blog?

Tip: Make a list of your hobbies and interests. Then, do a quick search on Google Trends or just Google to see what people are searching for on those topics. This will help you choose a niche with potential.

2. Choose a Free Blogging Platform

There are several platforms where you can start a blog for free. The most popular are and Blogger. Both have their pros and cons, but the most important thing is that they are easy to use, and you can start posting content quickly.

Example: I chose Blogger because I already had a Google account and found the interface intuitive. However, many bloggers prefer WordPress due to its customization options.

3. Create a Name and Register Your Blog

Your blog's name is important because it will be your brand. Try to think of something short, easy to remember, and reflective of your blog's content. After choosing a name, register your blog on the chosen platform.

Tip: Use a blog name generator if you're struggling to come up with something creative. Sites like Nameboy can be very helpful.

4. Customize Your Blog's Design

An attractive design can make all the difference. Most free platforms offer themes that you can use to customize your blog's look. Choose a theme that matches your niche and is easy to navigate.

Example: If you have a recipe blog or a surf blog, pick a clean theme with colors that remind people of healthy food or the ocean. This helps create a visual identity that attracts the right audience.

5. Create Quality Content

Now that your blog is ready, it's time to start creating content. The secret is to write about what you know and love. Be authentic and provide valuable information to your readers.

Tip: Make a list of post ideas and create an editorial calendar. This will help you maintain consistency and avoid running out of content ideas. For example: I have an Excel table where I write down the posts already published, those that are under construction, and I also save some ideas or sketches so that I already have content "triggered" for the next few days. This helps with organization and even motivation, believe me.

6. Promote Your Blog

Having a blog is just the beginning. To gain readers and eventually make money online, you need to promote your content. Use social media, participate in forums and groups related to your niche, and collaborate with other bloggers. (By the way, follow me on Facebook)

Example: Create Facebook and Instagram pages for your blog, whether it's about recipes, surfing, or any other topic. This will help attract followers and increase traffic to your site.

7. Indexing: Put Your Blog on the Map

Alright, you've set up a site. But what good is it if it can't be found by the world on Google? This is where indexing comes in. Without it, your blog is like a wonderful shop on a deserted street, with no signs to attract customers.

Indexing is the process by which search engines like Google find, analyze, and catalog your site so it appears in search results. Without indexing, your blog simply doesn't exist for most people searching for content online.

How to Do It:

  1. Submit Your Site to Google Search Console:

    To start, sign up your blog on Google Search Console. This free tool allows you to monitor and maintain your site's presence in Google search results. Add your URL and follow the instructions to verify your site.

  2. Create and Submit a Sitemap:

    A sitemap is a file that lists all the pages on your site, helping search engines find and index your content efficiently. Most blogging platforms have plugins or tools to automatically generate sitemaps. For instance, in WordPress, you can use the Yoast SEO plugin to create and submit your sitemap.

  3. Use Tags and Meta Descriptions:

    Title tags and meta descriptions are important for indexing because they help search engines understand what each page of your blog is about. Ensure each post has a unique title tag and an informative meta description that includes relevant keywords.

  4. Publish Content Regularly:

    Search engines love active sites. Publishing quality content regularly not only attracts more visitors but also signals to Google that your site is frequently updated, which can help with indexing.

  5. Get Backlinks:

    Links from other sites to your blog (backlinks) are like votes of confidence that can improve your visibility in search engines. Try partnering with other bloggers and participating in relevant forums and communities to get more backlinks.

Tip: Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor your blog's performance and identify which pages are being indexed and which need more attention. This will give you a clear view of how to improve indexing and attract more visitors.

How To Make My Site Appear on Google ?

8. Monetize Your Blog

After having a reasonable amount of content and readers, you can start thinking about monetization. Google AdSense is a good option for beginners. Another idea is affiliate marketing, where you earn a commission for recommending products and services.

Tip: Research different monetization methods and choose the one that best suits your blog and audience.


Have you started a new blog? It may require a huge leap of faith, but the truth is that anything can be turned into a fun and fulfilling activity. By following the path of choosing your niche, starting even if it is with a free blog, having your blog's visual identity to be edited, creating high-quality content, managing the blog, monetizing it and optimizing your website's SEO , you are indeed preparing yourself for a winning career on the Internet.

Keep in mind that one of the most excellent ways to create a blog is to not only be a consistent blogger but also to be patient in the process because it takes time. So, whether you publish your recipe collection or give a presentation on the difference between surfboard lefts and rights, simply by following the suggested steps, you will be happy for the great feedback the blog will bring you, and what's more, it can bring the money too. Keep experimenting, be enthusiastic and don't be afraid if you don't get quick results. This comes with time.

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